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Yoga Keys

Unlocking and nurturing your mind, body, and soul.


by Michael Joseph

Without clarity, you can find yourself relying solely on others’ opinions and approval and staying in your comfort zone instead of taking some risks to advance forward. You may find yourself being defensive and, at the same time, not be fully open to accepting compliments and praise.

The answers lie within you and the means of seeking them out will build your self-esteem and cut through the fog in your mind and day-to-day living.

Once the answers are clear, you will be able to hear your own voice and find your unique pathway, not someone else’s. You will be focused on bringing value to your life rather than comparing yourself with others and getting caught up in the world of distraction, procrastination and mindless, meaningless entertainment. Focus, inspiration, motivation, happiness, vision and a forward pathway will open up to allow you to find the inner calm and harmony that we need and crave. This clarity will allow you to give without resentment and to embrace each and every day.

Clarity will guide you to make decisions that support you rather than sabotage you.

Self-esteem is built on self-respect, integrity and authenticity which come from a piece of basic knowledge and connection with your mind, heart, and body. 

Knowing the answers to the questions below will always help you to feel your authentic self once again, to be at ease with yourself physically, and to develop a healthy and positive attitude to life.

To have longevity in your career, relationships, and wellbeing and gain some clarity and master the ability to adapt to change without losing who you are, please ponder on these questions and bring your thoughts to our next Full Moon Meditation on January 21st, 2021.

  • What or who is most important to me?
  • What do I want right now?
  • Who and/or what inspires me? 
  • How do I want the world to look in the future?
  • If I didn’t have fear, what would I do moving forward?
  • What do I want my life to look like in 2023?
  • Where do I sabotage myself mentally, physically, and emotionally?
  • What part, if any, do you see your yoga and meditation playing in this?


With love and light
